Social Media Marketing.

The targets behind BangTech Corp. social media marketing services are to put your company in a position to tap into the two-way discussion naturally happening between you and your customers. Our services are planned to show you where people are talking about you, the areas where you can best get involved, and the strategy you should use to help increase brand awareness.

Through our social media audit, competitive analysis, and interactive strategies, we will work with you to take advantage of the social Web to drive visitors to your website and increase brad awareness.Our Key Services include, but are not limited to: Facebook & Twitter Marketing, Content Creation. Some of our other service include Increase presence on LinkedIn, Video distribution on You tube and on other media including fan page development etc.

Twitter Marketing Services:-

When it comes to Twitter, our team can help with the tasks:
- Twitter Profile Creation/Optimization.
- Increasing Targeted Follower Count.
- Monitoring Relevant Tweets.
- Involvement in Hashtag Topics around your niche.
- Content Creation & Daily Relevant Tweets.
- Quiz/Poll/Giveaway/Contest Management.
- Reputation Management.
- Increasing Web Traffic from Twitter.
- Reporting.

Social Video Marketing:-

- Your video or advertisement can be great marketing tool and generate targeted traffic for your website and brand. We can work with you for this below service.
- Develop short or long video based on your brand , website or service.
- Publish video on 3o+ Video sharing network including youtube.
- Promote your video on various channel.

10 Mind-Bending Social Media Marketing Statistics:-

- 20 percent of searches on Google each day have never been searched for before.
- 43 percent of all online consumers are social media fans or followers.
- 53 percent of people on Twitter recommend companies or their products in their tweets.
- The average American internet user watches 30 minutes of video online per day.
- 35 hours of video footage is uploaded to YouTube every minute.
- 56 percent of LinkedIn’s 100 million users are outside of the United States.
- Every day, 2,300 new Wikipedia articles are created, adding to its 17 million articles, with contributions from 91,000 active contributors.
- 1.4 million new blog posts are created every day.
- There are more than 5 billion photos on Flickr.
- 45 million people view SlideShare presentations each month

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